As a performing artist, you know that your physical presentation is one of the keys to a successful performance. You want to look the part and command attention with your talent. But did you know that regularly visiting your dentist can help you achieve those goals? Here's why it's important for performing artists to prioritise their oral health.

Take Care of Your Smile

Taking care of your gums and teeth is highly beneficial to your personal confidence — and when it comes to performing on stage, looking and feeling confident is essential. You'll have much more self-assurance if you know that you have a healthy, attractive smile to show off. Even if no one else can notice the difference, having healthy teeth can be a boost for your confidence in yourself.

Sound Quality Matters

As a singer or voice actor, you likely already know how important it is to take care of your vocal cords and sound quality. But did you know that regular visits to the dentist can help protect your oral health and ensure optimal performance quality? Your dental health affects the tissue surrounding the vocal cords, and for a singer or voice actor, any underlying dental issues like gum disease or cavities can interfere with a great performance. By regularly visiting the dentist and keeping your oral hygiene in check, you will be able to maintain healthy vocal tissue so that all audiences get to experience your best performances.

Stay On Top Of Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies happen, and it's important to stay on top of them so that they don't get worse with time or affect performances down the line. If an emergency arises between appointments with your dentist, be sure to contact them immediately so that they can decide whether treatment is necessary before returning on stage again.


Visiting your dentist should be part of every performing artist's regimen — whether it's for preventive care or emergency repair work. Healthy teeth and gums mean better physical confidence during performances, improved sound quality overall, and fewer worries about potential dental emergencies affecting future shows! So if you want to improve your physical presentation and sound quality while on stage, don't forget to make time for regular trips to the dentist. Contact a general dentistry office for more info and advice. A member of the dental team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
